This term, I have had the honour to cover Imam al-Bajuri's classical text- 'Introduction to Islamic Creed' with years 7-9. This text outlines the core beliefs of the orthodox Sunni doctrine (aqidah) that must be known by every Muslim. It equips the students with sufficient knowledge of the essentials of Muslim theology to be able to distinguish truth from falsehood, orthodox from heterodox, Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama'a or Sunni Islam from other than it.
Over the last nine weeks, we had studied all of Allah's Necessary, Impossible and Possible attributes, which in turn, has allowed us to analyse the proof of existence of Him (swt) and ways to attain closeness to Him. I pray that each student had benefited immensely from the term and look forward to continuing with next term's focus- 'The Attributes of the Messengers.'Should you have any enquiries over the break, do not hesitate to contact me: s.taki@irfancollege.nsw.edu.au
Kind regards,
Ms Samah
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