It has been a fruitful second term in Year 9 Science, studying the 'Alchemie' topic. With genuine and intense curiosity, students explored the chemical world of acids and bases, the role of the pH scale, the uses of indicators, and the importance of a range of chemical reactions occurring in our everyday life namely photosynthesis, respiration, and combustion.
Our blooming science students worked arduously in groups and conducted a series of first-hand investigations to observe the products formed from reacting acids with metals, bases, and carbonates. These practical experiences allowed students to utilise and refine their 'working scientifically' skills and provided the opportunity for students to learn how to represent these reactions as chemical equations. Lastly, we wrapped up the term by delving into nuclear chemistry and studied the uses of nuclear reactions, radiation, and their implication on society by visiting Australia's Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) for a world class tour of its research facilities.
Alhumdulilah through Allah's (swt) blessing and mercy, we have shared many wonderful experiences this term. Some of our highlights include:
experimenting with universal indicator to test a range of substances in the lab
observing the changes in pH in a neutralisation reaction
and lastly using a new online interactive learning platform called Stile to actively engage in and assess their own learning throughout the term.
Well done, Year 9 on your brilliant efforts!!
with news & important announcements!
2089 – 2109 Elizabeth Drive,
Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm