Asalamu Alaikum respected parents, guardians, and students at Irfan college,
It has been an awe-inspiring term for year 9, learning online and studying the ‘Our dynamic earth’ topic. Earlier in the term, we explored the theory of plate tectonics and investigated the different interactions that may occur at plate boundaries, which account for the formation of volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Later in the term, we examined the dynamics of how ecosystems work and what happens when they are disturbed by human impacts.
Insha’Allah, I hope that by the end of this unit of work, that our students gained some insight and understood the importance of their role as caretakers and vicegerents on earth-- as it is imperative that we maintain biodiversity and healthy ecosystems to sustain the future generations to come.
Alhumdulilah, we have shared many wonderful experiences this term. Some of our highlights include:
• Designing a brochure to visit Earth disaster zones
• Using Stile to actively engage and assess learning throughout the term.
• Competing an end of term Kahoot related to the topic.
MashaAllah, I commend all the year 9 students for their amazing effort in completing their research assessment task on ‘Earth’s disaster zones’ and for their weekly persistence in completing assigned work.
Well done, Year 9!!
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