Assalamu Alaykum,
This term students have continued to practice and gain skills in measurement which includes perimeter, circumference, area, surface area and volume. We then moved onto applying measurement and algebraic skills with the use of pythagoras' theorem which focuses on right-angled triangles. We then gained some insight into financial mathematics through the application of fractions, decimals and percentages. The skills gained will enhance students understanding in viewing the 'real world' through the lens of mathematics.
Throughout the year including this term we have been using HOTmaths and our Cambridge Mathematics textbook to consolidate learning (homework). Without consolidation of the content taught each day and continuous practice students will have difficulty keeping on top of their subjects. Therefore, parents should monitor their child's progress regularly by viewing the tasks set on HOTmaths and reading feedback given in their workbooks.
Kind regards,
Mustafa Ayvaz
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