This term in Mathematics, the Year 7's have explored angle relationships and fractions, decimals and percentages. To increase the interactivity of the learning, the students have engaged in class relays, competitions and Kahoot quizzes. Due to their on-going engagement, alhamdulilah the Year 7's have collectively shown exceptional signs of improvement in their first high school half-yearly Mathematics examination. I applaud their efforts and look forward to their on-going success as they progress through high school. Please see attached snippets for evidence of our in-class engagement.
In PDHPE, the students have explored the topic of 'Changes in me' which involves self identity, time management and social, physical and emotional changes during adolescence. and solidified their learning through a half-early examination. The female and male students took part in some separate learning experiences to address sensitive topics and create a safe space to ask their questions. Due to the high engagement and participation, we will aim to include similar experiences regularly, inshAllah.A kind reminder to all parents and caregivers that the students receive daily homework and weekly quizzes for mathematics to consolidate the learning.
I pray you enjoy a restful and enjoyable school break. I look forward to meeting you all in the near future, inshAllah. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me via dilek.boduk@irfancollege.nsw.edu.au
Warm regards,
Ms. Dilek Bödük