This term was yet another amazing term Alhamdulillah. Our students got very creative and illustrated the natural disasters they were learning about in Science for their Creative Arts lessons.
For PE (sports) our students played Cricket and then began the Get the Kids Fit Program which included a variety of games utilising fundamental skills. They looked forward to their sports sessions.
For Geography, we did a lot of research into who Australia's top 10 trading partners were, where they are located, why it is important to have a good neighbouring relationship and what Islam says about diversity in relation to our topic. The students had a very productive and fruitful term Alhamdulillah and inshallah will be having more to come.
I pray that everyone has a fun and safe holiday inshallah.
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2089 – 2109 Elizabeth Drive,
Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm