6M class of 2019! What a fantastic bunch of students. Alhamdulillah, we have had a fabulous term, getting to know each other and sharing many heartfelt and memorable moments.
In class, students were excited to conduct several experiments relating to the Science topic "Adaptations". This topic was integrated into other learning Areas such as English and Creative Arts, in order for students to extract the maximum amount of knowledge from the aforementioned topic. Students utilised various skills such as writing, researching, referencing, drawing diagrams, sketching images and exploring different materials when creating artworks, to further enhance their understanding of the topic.
Harmony Day was a huge success this term, allowing students to share a bit about their own background and sharing stories of their traditions and customs. Students collectively embraced the classes chosen country, Japan, in a wholesome, respectable manner. From the attire, to the traditional food and customary garbs, the students represented Japan in an accurate manner, displaying their deep research and understanding of the culture. It was refreshing to see the students with smiles on their faces and laughter filling the air as they wandered from stall to stall exploring an array of cuisines.
A big congratulations to 6M for raising over $1000 for the Orphan Drive initiative our school has taken part in. May Allah (SWT) reward you in this life and the Hereafter.
Alhamdulillah, we have had a brilliant first term and Insha'Allah 6M continue to work hard and flourish in Term 2.
Mr Mohammed Odeh
Tags:Year 6 |
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2089 – 2109 Elizabeth Drive,
Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm