Alhamdullillah, what a year 2021 has been so far in Term 1. Our students have started with a great kick off this year completing multiple activities in all key learning areas.
Students demonstrated their outstanding ability with great effort put into their studies in subjects like Mathematics, English, Geography, Science and PDHPE. Students thoroughly enjoyed Science this term looking at adaptations of plants and the key features of survival for plants in environments. As a class, we grew our own tomato seedlings to test the varying factors that affect the survival of it. In English, students extensively enjoyed reading the book Bungawitta as a class which looked at rural areas in Australia and how the residents worked together to build their community after having severe drought. This gave students an opportunity to reflect upon their lives and how fortunate they are to be living in an urban, safe area. PDHPE was another enjoyable subject in which students played Oz-tag and learnt about the rules and skills needed to play the game correctly.
5H have shown outstanding effort and dedication to their learning. Looking forward to a bright Term 2 InshaAllah.
Ms Hunaiza :)
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Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm