Posted by Ms Hunaiza Yousaf
on 16 December 2020
What a term is has been for our lovely Year 4's. We completed many exciting activities this term for all our subjects. For Creative Arts, students had the opportunity to create their very own pinch pots using Mont Marte air drying clay. Once they completed this process, they then designed it according to their own preference. For science this term, students have been learning about sustainable materials. Our year 4's found the need to create an 'Insect Hotel' for our very own permaculture garden at school. Students enjoyed the experience of spending their science lessons out in the school's garden placing their 'Insect Hotels' around for the school to see. Through this activity, students understood their role as vicegerents on this Earth and their duty to take care of the land Allah has given us.
I wish you all the very best. You all deserve this long break, enjoy!