Posted by Ms Amena Yatim
on 12 October 2020
Asalamu Alaykom Dear Parents,
Time truly does fly by when you are having have. Year 2 made some amazing and fun memories this term. Team 2A explored a variety of new concepts and practiced applying many new skills in Mathematics, Science and ICT. Students learned how to apply mental strategies to solve two-digit addition and subtraction equations. Students also focused on visiting their lesson goals to ensure they are tracking the lesson expectations. Year Two also engaged in meaningful comprehension and fluency lessons focusing on some of the Super Six comprehension strategies such as locating the main idea of a text and summarising an imaginative and informative text.
I look forward to our last term together. I am confident that Team 2A will rock through the term with a positive and resilient attitude Insh'Allah.
Wishing you a safe and enjoyable break.
Ms Amena Yatim