I want to extend my gratitude to you all for your dedication and enthusiasm during our very rocky semester. It has been a long journey from online learning. However, Allah swt only trials us with things that make us stronger. Alhamdilah this trial has made Team 2A more resilient and now they are buidling up their confidence to face any task with eagerness. We had a great end to the semester when we returned back to face-to-face learning. Team 2A worked hard to get back to routine and settle into school life. We focused on our writing structure and language features. Cohesive writing was introduced to reinforce the attributes of a 'great writer'. Students worked with hands-on materials both in Science and Maths to investigate and measure weight. Students also started to implement the CUBE strategy when solving worded problems.
I look forward to a fruitful term ahead Insh'Allah.Ms Amena Yatim
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Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm