Asalamu Alaikum respected parents, guardians, and students at Irfan college,
Alhamdulillah through the grace of Allah swt, we have managed to explore four inquiry questions of Module 5- Heredity in Biology. Our students have explored the different mechanisms of reproduction, the importance of cell replication and protein synthesis and how our traits are passed down and the various inheritance patterns observed throughout the human genome.
We have shared a combination of online experiences and face to face learning, but our highlights include:-
- virtual plant dissection
- modelling the different forms of DNA, the process of meiosis and DNA replication using lollies
- and lastly wrapping up the term with a role play to model protein synthesis
I am looking forward to continuing this journey with our future biologist and I would also like to thank all our endearing parents and/or caregivers for their ongoing support this semester.
I pray that we all enjoy the break and return invigorated, motivated, and eager to strive and achieve our personal best.
Sincere regards,
with news & important announcements!
2089 – 2109 Elizabeth Drive,
Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm