Assalam Welekum Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh,
The Visual Arts department has marked a great milestone both for the subject and for the school. Year 12 Visual Arts students wrapped up a tumultuous and challenging year of artmaking with the submission of their HSC Major Projects for marking. They will be the first graduating cohort for the visual arts course and for Irfan College. I have been inspired, amazed and in awe of their abilities to face challenging circumstances with great Ihsan and Tawakul.
The same sentiment is shared across all other visual arts grade groups. This covid lockdown has tested us all in many ways and forms. However, visual arts students across all grade groups participated in live online classes, completed set tasks and met all learning outcomes with pleasing results. I have to say, “I am one proud visual arts teacher”. I look forward and welcome a new HSC year for Year 11 and may Allah facilitate Taysir and Tawfiq to our senior Years of 2021-2022.
with news & important announcements!
2089 – 2109 Elizabeth Drive,
Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm