This term marks the end for the History content for year 7 and 8 students, as they will be moving on to study Geography during semester 2. Students in year 7 have been investigating the ancient past through their close study of Ancient Egypt and Ancient China. They were involved in research based activities on China and seemed to enjoy exploring the various dynasties. Year 8 students had completed their Ottoman empire study and moved on to study the Polynesian and Mongol Expansions. Many hot debates took place in class on the true identity of Genghis Khan and students were extra curios about how and why the Polynesians had migrated from South East Asia.
Year 9 Students will continue to study a variety of topics for history next term, but this term they had completed their depth study on Australia and Asia. They seemed to enjoy exploring the impacts of imperialism upon China as a whole and were curious to find out how China managed to maintain control of their land.
Year 7, 8 and 9 students have also been working on their skills for Turkish this term and I hope they will continue to be keen learners next semester as well.
Year 7 have been learning about physical identity, Year 8 have been looking into health and illness and Year 9 have looked into making the most of their free time. Each year group have been provided with opportunities where the teacher provides explicit learning instructions, whilst allowing them to work in groups to read into Turkish texts in more depth.
I would like to wish all my students a safe and fun holiday and look forward to seeing them all again in semester 2.
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