Posted by Ms Sevinc Kuscu
on 16 April 2019
This term year 7 students were engaged in learning about Food and Agriculture. Students planted and maintained a herb of their choice. Students then prepared a meal to meet their nutritional needs and taste buds, which had to include a herb. They were all master chefs at cooking and presenting their meal. The food students had prepared were tasted by many staff members and they found the food very appealing and tasty.
Year 8 was able to show their creativity while learning about Textile Technology. Students learnt about fibre, how to thread a needle, sew a button, embroidery, dying their clothes using tie dye, using puff paint and sewing with a machine. Some of the work created was amazing. All students were engaged and were asking many questions to perfect their experience.
Year 9 elective Information and System Technology had a very interesting term learning about Artificial Intelligence. Students identified and worked with artificial intelligence we use in our every day lives. They had a chance to work with chat bots, look at Robots, create games, learn to use Prezi and create simulations. Students were asked to prepare data within an excel file, whilst making sure they apply the correct formula for each cell.
Wishing everyone a safe holiday!
Ms Sevinc