Posted by Mr Erol Kaso
on 1 January 2020
Students have been working hard in high school Qur'an classes this term. Many students have begun their memorisation directly from the Mushaf after completing the rules of Tajweed and recitation earlier this year. These students start by memorising the short Surahs from Juz 'Amma (the last section of the Qur'an) then move onto longer Surahs once completed.

We also introduced Guildford Mosque Imam, Hikmet Ozturk to our Young Scholars Program, working hard with training our young Huffaaz.
Perhaps the most exciting news for our department is that our year 9 student Ahmet Sula will be travelling to Istanbul, Turkey in 2020 to complete his Qur'an hifz under the coordinated support of our College and the Turkish government. We pray that he is successful in completing his memorisation and returning to lead our community inshaAllah.
We pray that Allah (SWT) grants success to all our students and allows them to form a strong connection with the Book of Allah. We would like to thank all our parents for their support and students for their consistent hard work.