Dear parents/carers,
Alhamdulillaah another successful term has passed and may Allah (may He be Glorified and Exalted) be pleased with all our efforts towards working to the best of our potential. Firstly, I want to congratulate our Year 11 students for completing Year 11 despite the challenges of online learning and no face to face teaching during term 2 alhamdulillaah most of our students persevered. Perseverance is a necessary trait which is possessed by all successful students. Perseverance is refusing to give up despite the challenges along the way. The challenges could be no face to face teaching or not achieving the mark expected, nevertheless a perseverant student sees these challenges as a positive learning experience and empowers them to try and try again until the learning goal is attained. Perseverant students understand the value of hard work and take responsibility for their own academic progress. They do not make excuses or blame others for failure. I wish all the students to acquire the perseverant trait and only then inshaa"Allah they will maximise their learning opportunities and receive the marks that reflect their true potential.
Next term our students will sit their Yearly examinations and they have worked very hard this term to prepare for them.
This term the Year 7 students studied the following topics: Probability, Time, Algebraic techniques, Equations and Measurement.
The Year 8 students studied the following topics: Ratio and Rates, Angle Relationships and properties of geometrical figures and Linear Relationships.
The Year 9/5.2 students studied the following topics: Linear Relationships, Measurement, Indices and Geometrical Figures.
The Year 9/5.3 students studied the following topics: Length, Area, Surface Area and Volume, Indices and Surds and Properties of Geometrical Figures.
The Year 10/5.2 students studied the following topics: Single Variable and Bi-variate Data, Linear Relationships and Properties of Geometrical Figures.
The Year 10/5.3 students studied the following topics: Linear Relationships, Circle Geometry, Trigonometry and Quadratics.
Our Year 11 students have completed Year 11 and we wish them all the best on embarking into Yr12 next term.
I wish you all a very safe and restful holiday break and I look forward to seeing you back at school ready for term 4 inshaa"Allah.
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