The Prophet (pbuh) has stated "Allah Most High has 99 Names (100 less 1). Whoever encompasses them enters Paradise." (Bukhari).
This term, all three grades have delved deep into many of Allah's beautiful Names and unpacked what it truly means to 'encompass' each of them. We had explored ways to connect to Allah (swt), how to embody particular Names (through submission and excellence), as well as create personal dua, turning to Him and relying on Him in all matters.
Students have left me in awe as they had reflected on personal events- subtle and major and were able to note their observations of Allah (swt) being Present in all! From students embodying Al-Baatin (The Hidden One), by noticing individuals donating sadaqa in an anonymous fashion, to observing Al Waali (The Protecting Friend), as students realised the safe environments we are placed in each day, alhumdulilah!
I would like to thank each student of mine for the way they had conducted themselves throughout the term and the respect they had displayed for the sacred knowledge attained.
Jazak'Allah kheiran!
The question of 'Who is God and what are His qualities?' is one that is often asked and perceived by students to be far-reaching and difficult to comprehend. Commencing Term 1 by exploring the attributes of Allah (swt) through relevant and practical methods, I believe, has assisted our students in knowing, understanding and appreciating their Creator. I believe that it has also demonstrated to students that fostering a deep and meaningful relationship with Allah (swt) is quite achievable and applicable. I can attest that our Year 10 cohort were engaged in the content throughout the term and were interested in learning about how the attributes of Allah (swt) relate to their personal lives. I can also attest that the intended outcome for the term has been achieved, in that students now possess the skills in identifying the attributes of Allah (swt), whether it be in our sacred texts or the living world, and drawing lessons and inspirations to provide direction and purpose to their personal lives in these highly complex and challenging times. I have also attached a calligraphic piece of the attribute 'Al-Aziz' as this attribute achieved first place by our student Furkan Karim. I ask Allah (swt) to accept our efforts and grant us beneficial knowledge.
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