What a busy and productive term Arabic students had. We can't believe how fast the term has ended. All students have now completed all their assessments and will receive their marks soon Inshallah. I must say how extremely proud I am from all students across year 7 to year 10. Their Arabic skills are improving and I can see some great effort put in from some students.
In the high school levels, we have been doing lots of conversations in Arabic and expanding our vocabulary.
Also, we are focusing a lot on Arabic writing and reading. Many students are trying the best to understand the Arabic language.
High school students will receive their assessment notification and will need to submit it in on time to myself.
Could I kindly request that parents/caregivers assist students by encouraging the use of the Arabic language around the house. This could be done by having basic conversations just in Arabic, reading Arabic stories or watching an Arabic documentary.
Mr Rami AlmomaniTags:Arabic |
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Cecil Park NSW 2178
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