In the name of Allah (swt), the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful.
We send our salutations upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw), his family and companions. We thank Allah (swt) for the boundless blessings has He bestowed upon us and are grateful for appointing us as His stewards.
Alhamdulillah, with the grace and permission of Allah (swt) we have been able to complete yet another productive and fruitful year. Every week, term and year, our College is moving a step closer to achieving its vision:
Raising thinkers and leaders who have confidence in their Australian-Muslim identity with a deeply rooted motivation to actively do good in the world!
This year bore witness to the achievement of some important milestones. Our greatest achievement was the approval of our Development Application to Council to increase our student numbers. Alhamdulillah, with the grace and permission of Allah (swt), our application was approved for 285 students. The approval of our DA allowed us to also gain registration and accreditation for HSC, and as a result, we will be commencing next year with our first Year 11 cohort. We have finalised our allotments for 2020 and are proud to inform our school community that our new teachers come to our College with years of HSC teaching experience. We ask Allah (swt) for tawfeeq and tayseer.
We were also able to make some serious progress with our Islamic integration project, integrating Islamic worldview to the Australian curriculum. To date, we have integrated the new Science, History and Geography syllabi in primary and looking to make strategic investments in both Primary and Secondary next year, inshaAllah.
On a final note, I would like to send a big thanks to our staff for their commitment and dedication to providing an excellent educational experience for our students. I would like to commend our students for believing in themselves and trying their best would like to finally thank our parent body for believing in our vision and entrusting us with the education of their children.
Yours truly,
Mr Ali Arabaci.
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