Dear Irfan Families,
Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
I pray this termly newsletter reaches you in the best of health and faith. Alhamdulillah, with the permission and grace of Allah (swt), we have left behind us another productive term.
As mentioned in our previous newsletter, due to the significant investment made in 2017 to develop our facilities and resources, improve the quality of teaching standards, and the refinement of our College vision, mission, values, policies and procedures, 2018 has been a year working towards establishment.
Islamic Integration Update
The integration of Islamic Worldview has been steadily continuing in Term 2. The History and Geography curriculum were completed last year and we have been currently working on the new Science curriculum. The new Science curriculum comprises of four areas; Earth and Space, Living World, Physical and Material World. From these areas, we have completed Earth and Space and Living World and are in the process of finalising Material World. Teachers will be incorporating the integrated Geography component of the project in Term 3 and 4.
Permaculture Project
As part of the Islamic integration initiative, our Year 4 students are spearheading a permaculture project. The permaculture project consists of building a sustainable garden by utilising the natural environment of the College grounds. Our Head of Islamic Integration, Ms Samah Taki, has been collaborating with local community members to plan and successfully enact the project at school. The project is a part of the Science unit of work with an Islamic integration focus. The unit of work was broken down into two main segments, 'ilim (theory) and 'amal (practical). Once the students covered the theory component of permaculture in the classroom, learning went beyond the classroom into the practical component of the unit which consisted of laying the foundations of the garden at our College.
Eid Fair
Irfan College facilitated an Eid Fair for the first time in our College's history. Students and the school community enjoyed the last day of Term 2 with rides, a reptile farm, food stalls, a stage performance by Zaky, and many more. It was the first event of its kind which will only get better as the years progress.
NESA Inspection
This term was also witness to the NESA inspection which focused on the K-9 renewal of registration and accreditation and the initial registration for Year 10. We are looking to receive the determination of the inspection by Term 3. Please make dua that the outcome of the inspection goes well and we are able to accommodate for our current Year 9 students next year.
Development Application (DA) to Increase Student Numbers Update
There has also been progress with the DA we submitted to Council last year. After numerous consultations with the Roads and Maritime Services, Fairfield City Council and our consultants, a final amended DA was submitted to council on 18 June. We are currently expecting a response from Council. All matters have been addressed including the intersection of Duff Rd and Elizabeth Drive. Please make dua that the application is accepted.
Farewelling of Staff
This term we have also farewelled some staff including Ms Zuhal who was responsible of Secondary Learning and Support, Ms Eman who was the Year 4 team teacher and will be taking maternity leave, and Ms Danielle who was the Secondary Creative Arts teacher and will be travelling overseas for study. We have ensured to recruit staff members who are well credentialed and well-suited to the culture of our College. Our new staff members include Ms Rawan who will be the Year 4 team teacher and will be joining us from the Public sector with years of experience, Mr Bahadir who will be the Secondary Turkish teacher and Numeracy support for Secondary and has 12 years of teaching experience, and Mr Vaughan who will be our Secondary Creative Arts teacher and obtains numerous talents and skills.
We ask Allah (swt) to accept our efforts and continue blessing us with His infinite mercy and compassion. We look forward to seeing everyone in Term 3. May Allah (swt) provide you and your family a safe and enjoyable Term 2 break.
Yours truly,
Mr Ali Arabaci.
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