In the name of Allah (swt), the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful.
We send our salutations upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw), his family and companions. We thank Allah (swt) for the boundless blessings He has bestowed upon us and are grateful for appointing us as His stewards.
We praise and thank Allah (swt) for allowing us to reach another mubarak month of Ramadan. We ask Allah (swt) that He blesses and accepts our works and pardons us for our sins and shortcomings.
Campus Expansion Prospects
Alhamdulillah, our College commenced the academic year of 2022 at maximum capacity with 330 students. We understand that there is significant demand from our community to accommodate more students. Irfan College is currently actively seeking potential school sites in West/South-West Sydney and the Illawarra regions. We ask Allah (swt) that He blesses us with a beautiful school site to expand and enhance our school vision.
School Development Application (DA) to Council
The College is working towards the submission of a DA to Fairfield Council by June this year. The DA will seek approval for an amended masterplan that accommodates 330 students with revised facilities and floorplan. The masterplan will be implemented on a stage basis consisting of four stages in total, whereby all the facilities on campus will be upgraded and demountable classrooms will no longer be utilised. The masterplan intends to also address the number of issues that have been raised by Council over the years. Please pray that the process is smooth, and that Allah (swt) blesses us with a beneficial outcome.
‘Why Islam Is True’ Pilot Project
Alhamdulillah, we have been blessed this year to pilot the ‘Why Islam is True’ project at Irfan College. Irfan College is one three schools in the world that has been extended the opportunity to implement the ‘Why Islam is True’ course developed by Shaykh Hamza Karamali and his team at Basira Education. The project is currently being piloted in Years 10-12 with the aim of achieving conviction of belief in God. Shaykh Hamza and his team have adapted traditional Sunni theology into a modern, teenage, and young adult friendly program. By the end of the course, students will be able to prove the existence of God using various strategies such as the Argument from Contingency and the Kalam Cosmological Argument. Students will also be equipped with the knowledge and skills to critically breakdown notions such as the ‘big bang theory’ and ‘science and God’.
As we embark upon another academic term, I kindly ask for your support through sincere dua for our school community and that Allah (swt) allows us to do justice towards our students. I thank you for your continued support and faith in our College. I pray that this Ramadan will be one of transformative change and a means for Allah’s forgiveness and pleasure.
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