Dear Irfan Families,
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
Assalamu 'Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu. I pray this newsletter reaches you in the best of health and iman.
We beseech and thank Allah (swt) for blessing us with the honour of appointing us as His custodians and servants, servicing the educational needs of our future thinkers and leaders. Term 2 has been yet another busy and productive period, full of many events and activities that facilitate the engagement of our students, parents and staff.
The first highlight of the term was the observance of the month of Ramadan. I pray to Allah (swt) that He accepts our fasting, prayers and sacrifice offered throughout the Holy month. Students from our Young Scholars Program completed the recitation of the entire Qur'an throughout the duration of the month, which was initiated and driven by the Islamic Studies department. We were able to celebrate the completion of the blessed month with the Ramadan Eid assembly attended by students and parents. The highlight of the assembly was the awarding of students who transitioned from their beginner books to the Mushaf. Over 20 students were awarded with their transition certificates and a copy of the Quran.
Parent Info Session
This term we were able to conduct our first parent information session for 2019, alhamdulillah. We had approximately 15 families in attendance who had an opportunity to meet with school leadership. School leadership communicated their expectations to parents to ensure that both school and home are working cooperatively and collaboratively to achieve student outcomes. Parents also had the opportunity to communicate their concerns and ask questions in the question and answer session. Parent concerns were registered and will be addressed in our termly executive evaluation. We also had the pleasure of hosting educAid on the evening who informed our parent body about a social and emotional regulation parenting workshop to be conducted in Term 3. educAid representatives also touched upon the importance of relationships between parents and their children in raising mentally healthy and stable children. I thank educAid representatives and all parents who made the initiative to attend the info session. I look forward to the parent info session that will be conducted in Term 4.
Open Day
Another highlight of this term was the Open Day. Our Open Day was by far the largest event with over 40 families in attendance. The large attendance was testament to the interest forming among prospective parents and the reputation our College has built in such a short period of time. It is quite pleasing to see that over 130 applications have been made for 2020 enrolment so far, which is again testament to the interest our community has formed for our College. Unfortunately, we will only be able to offer placements for 35 students.
Dinner with Neighbours
We were able to close the term with an exciting initiative for the neighbouring residents of Irfan College. A dinner was hosted for Irfan College neighbours with the purpose of meeting one another and providing our neighbours with an opportunity to ask questions or share any concerns they had about the school. The dinner was a succes with over 20 residents attending the event. The neighbours were greeted by our staff who volunteered to stay back on the last day of the term and facilitated a warm and welcoming environment for our visitors.
I would like to thank our parent body for entrusting us with the education of their children and our dedicated staff who are committed to providing an exceptional educational service to our students. I pray our parent body has an enjoyable experience with our students over the term break and look forward to seeing everyone in Term 3.
Yours truly,Tags:Principal's Message |