In the name of Allah (swt), the Most Compassionate and Most Merciful.
We send our salutations upon our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw), his family and companions. We thank Allah (swt) for the boundless blessings He has bestowed upon us and are grateful for appointing us as His stewards.
We ask Allah (swt) to bless us in these mubarak 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah and accept our works and the pilgrimage of the Hujjaj who will be performing the Hajj this year.
Please find below some highlights from Term 2, 2022:
WestInvest Community Fund
Our College has submitted an application for the WestInvest Fund which is a NSW State Government initiative to support not-for-profit organisations including schools, located in 16 LGA’s across the Greater Sydney Region. Our grant application was for the design and construction of four purpose-built projects totaling a sum of approximately $6 million. Alhamdulillah, our application has passed the first phase and is currently working towards the second phase deadline in July. Please make dua that Allah grants us with khayr and that our application is accepted. Applicants will find out in November the outcome of their grant application.
Open Day 2022
Irfan College was pleased to conduct its annual Open Day this term. Open Day is an opportunity for prospective and existing parents to receive information about the College’s vision and projects, meet the College Executive Team, and inspect the resources and facilities of the College. The College welcomed approximately 70 new families on the day who were very excited to participate in the program.
Irfan College conducted its first fully online NAPLAN since the online trials in 2018. Alhamdulillah, NAPLAN was conducted without any major technical difficulties as Irfan College had invested in the necessary IT infrastructure.
Sports Program
Students participated in several sport programs and clinics to develop their motor skills and technique. A decision was made by the College Executive to increase the number of focused sport activities that would develop the skills of our students and meet the sporting needs of our school community. A decision has also been made to invest in Years 7-10 to further consolidate the skills development of our students in Primary. The sports investment facilitates higher engagement levels from our students and has a positive impact on their wellbeing. We look forward to a busy sports program along with the Athletics Carnival in Term 3.
As we embark upon another academic term, I kindly ask for your support through sincere dua for our school community and that Allah (swt) allows us to do justice towards our students. I thank you for your continued support and faith in our College.
with news & important announcements!
2089 – 2109 Elizabeth Drive,
Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm