Posted by Mr Mehmet Sula
on 1 January 2020
Assalamu aleykum wa rahmetullahi wa barakatuh,
Alhamdulilah, what a fantastic term it has been for our students. In term 4 the class had been undertaking an in-depth study into the Living Islam Program part two which entails Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh). This term, our students have been very busy living and learning about Salah (Prayer) and Hajj (Pilgrimage). Through these topics students have worked as a team to create love and a close tie with Allah (swt) and the religion. Throughout the term students were exposed to different forms of multimedia to benefit their learning of the topics. Whilst doing this, students were able to, to an extent, live Hajj and try to grasp Hushu (awe).
The image below is just an example of one of our lessons in Year 4 throughout the term where we spoke about the fards inside of Salah (Prayer).

Year 3- Islamic Studies
Posted by Ms Saima Bhatti on 1 January 2020
Assalamu Alaykum dearest parents,
The year has now come to an end, what an amazing year it was! Year 3 and I had gone through a physical, spiritual, and mental journey, discovering the true essence of Islam. The idea of teaching Islam was not to get the students to memories and repeat theoretical knowledge, but rather understand its depths and apply it in their daily lives. Understanding who Allah is allows us to appreciate and understand that Islam is not just a book of do's and don't's, but rather it is a just and ethical system.
Year 3 had done a few plays to express their creativity, learn to empathise with others, and to further absorb Islamic knowledge in a fun-meaningful way. To test the students' Islamic knowledge, we had also undertaken a journey to Treetops where students were to demonstrate an understanding of the true meaning of Islam; submission to Allah's will by suppressing own will. Students had shown respect, responsibility, and patience with one another. There was one particular student that was afraid of heights and thus stood on the platform all frozen. The whole of year 3 had stopped having 'fun' and came to cheer them on in such convincing manner: "don't be afraid for Allah is your Protector", "you can do this, tell your mind you can do this", "I believe in you". This is Islam, this is worship; doing things for the sake of Allah, regardless if it causes benefit to self or not. We are a team and we work together. Just like in the hadith the prophet (SAW) says:"The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever." (Bukhari)
Well done year 3. It has been an absolute pleasure teaching year 3.

Ms Saima Bhatti