Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
As we move into the end of Term Three, it is continuing to be testing times for all students and staff. All school related zone and outside sport are still cancelled. The relevant governing agencies will keep all schools updated as the year progresses leading in to Term Four. We hope to get back to some sense of normality for the final part of the year. To ensure students are still getting the most out of their PDHPE program, below is a snap shot of some of the learning happening in our subject:Year 7:
Year 7 have been learning about risk taking and making safe and informed decisions through the unit Be smart, don't start.Year 8:
Year 8 have been working on the content focus of nutrition and healthy eating through the unit Eat Right, live strong.Year 9:
Year 9 are exploring the nutritional information and investigating influences on food choices, diet and habits, through the unit Looking good, feeling great.Year 10:
Year 10 have developed a broad range of skills that will assist them in attaining employment and meeting other challenges in the future through the unit, Future success.Year 11
Year 11 have completed their Preliminary Course in PDHPE with their final yearly examinations. They will now begin the journey of Year 12 and the HSC.Our High School students competed in the Sports Carnival at end of Term 3 which was held in our College Campus. Our students showed determination, effort and teamwork. They participated in a range of activities such as Circuit/Fitness drills, Relay Races, Sprint races and Tug of War.
A massive thank you to all staff who contributed on the day and ensuring the day was a success.I would like to personally thank Mr Ayhan Cetinay and the Cetinay family with their time and effort in providing our students and staff with the food catering throughout the day.
We wish all our students and their families a restful and safe holiday. See you all in Term 4, Inshallah.
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