Assalama Alaykum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatu,
First and foremost, praise is to Allah (The Most Exalted) on whom ultimately, we depend for everything. Alhamdulillaah by the grace of Almighty Allah (The Most Exalted) we had a productive term. The students were involved in learning numerous mathematical concepts and theorems thus increasing their numerical knowledge and various numerical skills such as problem solving, analytical and critical thinking to take them all to the next level in their learning inshaa'Allah.
This term our students completed their term 1 assessments that included but not limited to investigation and research activities based on the concepts of Quadratic Functions, Reciprocals, Transformations, Concavity, Points of Inflection, Volume, Mathematical Induction and Vectors. My classes this year are Year 10/5.3, Year 11 Advanced Maths, Year 11 Mathematics Extension 1, Year 12 Advanced Maths and Year 12 Mathematics Extension 1 and they achieved an average of more than 90% Mashaa'Allah.
After careful reflection of this term I strongly recommend all students adopt a more effective time-management plan they can commit to and to commence their assessment planning immediately to avoid unnecessary stress and careless errors.
Overall, I am very proud of all the students who applied themselves and worked to the best of their ability. They worked very hard and their consistent commitment, positive attitude, dedication and perseverance led them to reveal their true potential. We look forward to continuing lifting the standards of our college to rise to new heights of excellence and ask Almighty Allah to continue to bless and guide us all, Ameen. I wish you all a safe and enjoyable break and a blessed and prosperous Ramadan filled with the love and mercy of Allah. I hope to see you fresh and ready for the next phase in your learning.
Ms Joumana Issa
(Mathematics Coordinator)
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