Assalamu alaikum Parents and Caregivers,
Alhamdulilah, we have all made it to the end of another productive, educational and enjoyable term!
After much anticipation, the Year 9 Design & Technology class finally commenced their ‘Food for Celebration’ unit! The students explored the significance of food around the world, food safety, personal hygiene, workflow planning documents, presentation techniques, gifts of food, religious and special celebrations. The theory was combined with several practical tasks. The class not only had the opportunity to attend a field trip to get a better understanding of the food industry and food processes, but also hosted their very first small-scale catering events! The students worked tremendously to plan and execute a Children’s Party and Year 12 Farewell Morning Tea. Fantastic effort, masha’Allah. Now, rejuvenate and gear up! Not long until you start preparing for the large-scale catering event in Term 4.
The Year 9 5.2 Mathematics class engaged in an assessment that provided them ample opportunities to showcase their creativity. The students used their knowledge and understanding of measurement and geometry to investigate, devise, produce and evaluate their very own novelty container. From woodwork to 3D printing, you name it, we had it! I commend the students’ efforts to showcase their craftsmanship skills.
Masha’Allah, this term the Yr 8 Mathematics class impressed once again with their higher order thinking skills. The class explored data collection and representation. However things took a unique twist when the students took ownership of their assessment and formulated a personalised inquiry question they are passionate about exploring. These special topics were investigated and justified through research and data analysis. See below list for a few of the highlights;
- How prejudice and bias is created
- Exploring the lack of confidence amongst students
- Social media’s impact on how we see ourselves
- Humans and the tendency to jump to conclusions
- Coping with stress
- Emotions that portray your favourite memory of a loved one
- What your clothes say about you (status)
- Leaving things until the last minute
The Year 7’s absolutely nailed the brief in Mathematics this term. The students received their official introduction to algebra and showcased their high understanding through their very own Math games! I was particularly impressed with the students’ ability to create their own challenging mathematical questions, show evidence of their problem solving and finally design and facilitate an interactive math game for their peers to take part in. One word = Masha’Allah!
I pray you enjoy every moment of your break!
Kind regards,
with news & important announcements!
2089 – 2109 Elizabeth Drive,
Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm