Alhamdulillah we have reached the end of term 3. This term our Kindy students had their first online learning experience, and they have shown a huge amount of persistence and enthusiasm throughout their learning at home. In our English lessons, students have been building on their sound banks, such as learning new digraphs. They have also exceeded expectations and have displayed excellent improvement in the fluency of their reading. In our Maths lesson, students were assigned many different tasks, from hands-on activities to engaging in educational videos. To end a successful term, our Kindy students took part in an exciting pancake making session where they followed the method as a class, while enjoying the company of their classroom friends. InshaAllah everyone enjoys their well-deserved term break and I cannot wait to see everyone back in the classroom next term!
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Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm