Asalam Alaykom Wa Rahmatallah Wa Barakatu,
A big thank you to our families for your support this term, it has sure been a busy one. It has been a pleasure working and getting to know your child this term.
This term, KA have been learning to attain an ultimate outcome which has been responsibility and progress in their learning. As a teacher, I endeavour to provide and facilitate all students with quality learning experiences. Term 1 was all about discovery based learning and engaging the students in hands on English and Math lessons. Play doh was implemented in lessons allowing students to strengthen their fine motor skills in an engaging approach with links to Literacy and Numeracy.
Harmony day was one of our biggest highlight of the term which saw our beautiful KA students dress up in their culture wear in support of diversity and peace.
I look forward to Term 2 in KA as we aim to create many more meaningful learning experiences and joyful memories by the will of Allah (swt). Hope you all have an enjoyable and safe holiday break!
Ms Amena
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Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm