Assalamun Alaykum dearest parents and caregivers,
Alhamdulillah what a great first term it's been for Kindergarten! Students have had a very busy term settling into school and getting a hang of classroom rules and routines. They have made links between letters and sounds and have used them to build and read words! Kindergarten has also been focusing on building fluency in number recognition up to 20 through many hands-on learning opportunities. Students have learnt that all living things are dependent on Allah (swt) for survival. We explored the names of Allah, As-Samad and Al Razak whom all creatures need.
I look forward to Term 2 as we aim to create many more meaningful learning experiences and joyful memories by the will of Allah (swt). Hope you all have an enjoyable and safe holiday break!
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2089 – 2109 Elizabeth Drive,
Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm