This term, Year 7 have impressed me with their ability to reflect on the attributes of Allah (swt) whilst witnessing His Signs around their environment. With deep reflection, students have unpacked the following attributes:
- ‘al-Wujud’ (Existence)
- Qidam’ (Beginning-lessness)
- ‘al-Baqa’ (Endlessness)
- ‘al Mukhalafah lil-hawadith’ (Dissimilarity to originated beings)
- ‘al- Qiyamu bi al-nafs’ (Self-Subsistence)
- ‘al- Wahadaniyyah’ (Oneness)
- al-Qudrah (Power)
-al-Iradah (Will)
- al-‘Ilm (Knowledge)
-al-Hayat (Life)
- al-Sam’ wa al-Basar (Hearing and Sight)
- al-Kalam (Speech).
It was a pleasure getting to know all of Year 7 and I am looking forward to continuing our exploration into ‘Aqida next term.
A reminder: It is advised to read over the Al Bajuri text, focusing on Allah (swt)’s attributes to consolidate all we’ve covered.
This term, Year 8 have further delved into understanding who Allah (swt) is by unpacking principles sourced from ‘The Creed of Imam Al Tahawi’. Yet again, Year 8 have amazed me with their high ability to observe the world around them and unpack how the phenomenal and meta-phenomenal continuously points us back to our Creator.
Year 8 have explored a new technique when analysing each principle, we’ve dubbed as the ‘M.E.E chart’. They have analysed the Message of each principle, the Example they can extract from their world and the Effect this principle has on their understanding of their purpose in life.
A reminder for each student to continue to reflect on the principles we have covered as we continue to delve into ‘Aqida next term.
This term, I have had the pleasure to commence our year long Seerah program, starting off with the Early Meccan period.
Students and I have had many reflection sessions focusing on ways to extract life lessons from the life and experiences of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) and his companions.
Year 9 have also expressed their ability to think critically about Muslim communities from across the globe, including the Uyghur and the Rohingyas to compare the treatment of these communities to the first Muslims during the Early Meccan Period. I am impressed with the constructive and deep dialogue students present in class.
Please do not forget to read up on your study notes compiled this term whilst we delve further into the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) next term.
This term, Year 10 have had the wonderful opportunity to be introduced to a carefully designed ‘Aqida course titled ‘Why Islam is True’. This course has been established by the highly regarded scholar, Shaykh Hamza Karamali and his team from Basira Education. This course is an evidence-based inquiry into the fundamental truths of Islam and Year 10 have been extremely impressive with their response.
Throughout this term we have unpacked the difference between a preference and a fact, the understanding of fallacy of equivocation, Allah (swt)’s attributes and proving the existence of Allah (swt) through various arguments.
It has been an absolute pleasure to take part in this learning journey along with my students and I commend them for their hard work and dedication.
Keep up the momentum next term but for now, enjoy your well-deserved break! Well done and enjoy your break!
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