Assalamu aleykum wa rahmetullahi wa barakatuh,
Alhamdulillah, by the grace and mercy of Allah we have reached the end of another eventful yet fruitful year. 2018 has seen many changes for the Islamic Studies department of the school including some ascetic additions aimed at livening up the spiritual environment and atmosphere of our College.Our Seerah wall has finally been set up on the ground floor of the High School building where students are able to read and follow the timeline and life of our Prophet (peace be upon him) during recess, lunch and break times. It is hoped this addition will allow students to gain a greater appreciation of our Messenger and understand his life better.
We have also received a large box of new Qur'an Mushafs which will be presented to students who pass from their Tajweed textbooks onto the Qur'an in a ceremonial celebration from next year onwards. The Qur'an is the light and guidance of our lives thus ensuring students fully and rightfully appreciate the Book of Allah is one of the missions of our College.Our department, Alhamdulillah, will be growing next year with additional teachers, classes and reformations that will ensure your child receives the optimal and most efficient training in Qur'an and the Islamic Sciences from Kindergarten to graduation. This includes additional Qur'an classes for certain grades, a revision of the current Islamic Studies curriculum, more intense Chaplain and support services and more varied Islamic events and celebrations. I pray Allah grants us success in our objectives and allows us to embark on this journey together for the development of our number one asset for the future, your child.
Jazakumullahu khayr
Mr. Erol
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Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm