This semester, years 7, 8 & 9 had focused on an in-depth study of 'Aqida whilst utilising the classical text- 'Introduction to Islamic Creed' by Imam Ibrahim al-Bajuri. As we know, 'every Muslim is required to strengthen their faith and free themselves from the bondage of blind imitation by knowing some simple proofs that allow the tenets of their belief to make sense to them; otherwise, we may fall into the trap of doubts and confusion'. The program delivered at Irfan College has aided students' personal journeys in understanding the essentials of Islamic belief whilst simultaneously growing a sense of awe and wonder for Allah (swt) and His beloved Messenger (pbuh). It has been an honour sharing this journey with my students and I pray that they have benefited and enjoyed the last two terms just as much as I have!
Finally, I would like to share this beautiful hadith to my students to reflect on remaining motivated throughout the rest of their schooling years and beyond:
Source: Sunan Ibn Majah 226
Grade: Sahih (authentic)
Kind regards,
Ms Samah
with news & important announcements!
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Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm