Posted by Ms Samah Taki
on 5 July 2019
The Qur'an is among the most widely read books in the world today. It is also among the most misunderstood. The real key to understanding the Qur'an- indeed, Islam as a whole- is a basic grasp of the life and career of the man who served as its delivery system. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) brought life, meaning, depth, human tragedy and human triumph to the Qur'anic adventure.
The Prophet demonstrated that Islam is a process in which our ups and downs expose us to the layers of self-knowledge and spiritual epiphany that surround life's most profound truth: There is no god except God' (The Revelation-foreword).
This term, years 7-10 have been studying the Seerah in great depth for Islamic Studies. Each grade has a different period to focus on. Students are leaving the lessons feeling empowered and inspired by the life of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
Ms Samah