SA All Staff,
The Computer Lab is available for booking via this link - CLICK
A booking regsiter (log book) has been added to the Computer Lab upon entry at the nearest door to the access ramp.
The purpose of the register is to ensure that the resource is always available and in working order.
Please ensure that the register is completed at the start AND end of your lesson.
If you notice that the Computer Lab is not in the state it should have been left, please either;
Fix the issue for both your lesson and that of those that follow AND
Remark in the comments section identifying the issue OR
Send an email to help@irfancollege.nsw.edu.au with more details
The Computer Lab utilisation policy is located HERE
Your cooporation in this matter is appreciated.
The IT Department
with news & important announcements!
2089 – 2109 Elizabeth Drive,
Cecil Park NSW 2178
Mon – Fri: 8:00am – 4:00pm