Posted by Mr Ertan Othman
on 16 December 2020
Assalamu Alaikum,
Elhamdullilah we came to the end of another school year. The year was full of hardship and difficult times due to COVID-19, but with the help of Almighty Allah we managed to overcome all difficulties with our dedicated school management, teachers and our students.
I believe, the learning process of students work in two ways: The school and the family. Especially, when it comes to learn the mother tongue or a second language, there needs to be more effort and encouragement from the teacher and the family. Therefore, working collaboratively as teachers and families/guardians is important for us to enhance the level of learning for our students. In Arabic classes, students have shown a good level of interest overall and majority have achieved good results in their assessment tasks.
I welcome all new ideas, recommendations or suggestions that the parents/guardians may have in order to benefit our lovely students in the coming terms. I recommend that our students to watch some Arabic videos or movies suitable to their age and reading some Arabic stories during this long holiday Inshallah.
Thank you for your support and I wish everyone a year full of faith, hope and dedication to be a good servant of Almighty Allah.
Ertan Othman
K-10 Arabic Teacher